Sunday, November 08, 2009

Let's us Tweet about you!

Is your business on Twitter?  It's a great way to connect with your target consumers and other businesses.  Be sure to have your business name and tag line in the meta-tags on your homepage and make them less than 120 characters.  This will help you since when folks, including CanadianBabies, tweet about your business the information that you want shared is shared.

Daily CanadianBabies tweets about Canadian baby and parenting news and about our sponsors.  You can see our Twitter account here:

Each month as we get information about your PEP subscription from PayPal we tweet about your business with a connection to your webpage.  This tweet is set to automatically go out two weeks later as well so we're now tweeting about your business twice monthly!  Many of our tweets about your businesses are re-tweeting by our followers!

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