Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Optimize Your Title Tag for Twitter

The CanadianBabies twitter profile (with 2,999 followers) is here:


Each month as your subscription to our Parentpreneur Program (PEP) is automatically renewed, we'll tweet about your business. This tweet will appear on our site's homepage.

I highly recommend having your BUSINESS NAME and your BUSINESS tag line in your website's title metatags. Here are some examples of past tweets:

Finest Expressions - Special Gifts for Special Occasions http://ow.ly/h5A9

Baby Kneez - Childrens Kneepads In 8 Great Colours http://ow.ly/h5y3

We'll also be tweeted about new parentpreneur and product review articles and contests that appear on our site to promote your involvement even more!

You can find out more about optimizing your title tag here:


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